Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whirl Wind Visit

My friend finally made it,
after all, and we had a lovely
two day visit!

Maxwell stayed home from school and the day was a beautiful 50+ degrees.

Good enough for them to go hiking in Mt Tabor Park.

She then took Miss F to the park near our house in the evening and played dress up until bedtime.

We watched American Idol together and chatted by candlelight.


Mark made it to NY, and is slaving away for the next few days (note to self, figure out when husband is coming home)

Today Karen and I went to Goodwill, out to Ethiopian food for lunch, folded a ton of laundry AND put it away!!!

Then I dropped her off at the train.

I was sad to see her go.

It can be awfully lonely around her sometimes.
Having someone that has known you for 35 years around feels good.

I miss her already.

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