Thursday, May 28, 2009

the new phone books are here, the new phonebooks are here!

The mood in the finc household last night was just like the phonebook scene out of the Jerk!

The night before our long ailing fridge finally bit the dust, and we set off to purchase a new one.

Buying a new anything is a very big deal in our house, since we are super bit cheapskates, and we have this commitment to by debt free, so we never buy anything without a lot of hand wringing and saving up.

Thank goodness for all of that saving up, we were able to go straight out and buy a new one for cash. I even got to have a stainless steel door, which makes me really happy!


The old fridge had been going steadily downhill for about 2 years.

It would drip water into the crisper and freeze up, so that once a week Rolf and I would have to take everything out and defrost it- even though it was a frost free model.
It kind of sucked, ruined a lot of produce, and generally made everyone irritated.

So this was a very big deal, which involved Freyja, sobbing that she would miss the old fridge, and demanding to pick out the new one.

Before everything was all cleaned up, there was this big pile of crap on the counter, from all the stuff that was in the fridge. Who knew so much could fit into one refrigerator?

YIKES! We do enjoy our condiments.


  1. That one looks just like ours that we bought a year or two ago.
    The old one came with the apartment. I don't know if it was 20 years old, or how old it was.


  2. it is A LOT smaller than the old one, but it will force us to keep things neater!

  3. Our apartment is really small, so the fridge is small, and usually jam packed.

    Before the kid, I never had much in there.


  4. we are LOVING the new smaller fridge, since the kitchen seems so much roomier now! WOW! who knew. the next big thing is to pick up a tiny deep freezer for the basement to store our berries and other fruit for winter.

  5. I feel like there should be a spotlight on the new fridge and a choir of angels singing. It's beeyootifulll.
