these fellows recovered all my bookkeeping records when my work computer died suddenly and they fixed a friend's laptop.
They are nice and close and good people.
There is something very comforting about their dusty, dirty and unkempt shop and their rumpled staff.
The head fellow looks a lot like a less nice looking version of my father, despite our propensity for zaftigness, we Lawlers are a good looking bunch on the whole.
The downside of having the computer die is losing all of my bookmarks. I had a ton and dig dang if I can remember most of them, yet I miss knowing what they were.
I did manage to pull enough brain cells together to remember the name of this site which I will purchase a skirt from any year now and this graphics site, which I use ALL THE TIME, oh, and this one which I create my fantasy date nights from.
Otherwise I am pretty SOL for now. I assume some of the names will come back to me.
I plan to use this graphic for my Thanksgiving food labels.
cute don't you think?
or maybe this one
I haven't made up my mind yet.
Was one of your bookmarks for the shop that sells boots that are "Satan proof"?