Maxwell started the second half of the "seal" class, at Buckman pool this week, and it was a big let down, from the awesome class he had enjoyed so much at Mt. Scott.
Mt. Scott was over booked so we had no choice, but to go to another pool.
Buckman is super small, and not enough children signed up, so they just lumped them all together into one class.
That is not really an appropriate solution for people in various stages of learning to swim.
We went Tuesday and felt bummed out by how lame the class was-
a. conducted in the shallow end!
b. many of the children couldn't SWIM!
I hear the line from "Raging bull"
it defeats it's own purpose!
run through my head, at times like this. Doesn't everyone have Robert Deniero in their head?
At the end of the class I talked to the teacher, and asked for a solution for the next class.
Thursday rolled around and the same thing happened, except for a five minute foray for Maxwell into the deeper (chest deep) water.
So I called the program manager and asked for this issue to be fixed.
It took three calls, but he will be in the deep water diving class next week.
I hate it when I have to fight for things that should be simple, straight forward and normal.
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