Suddenly my tiny baby was sixteen, It felt like the blink of an eye, the way those cliches go. People who complain about teens are idiots, or maybe they have horrible teens.
My teen is awesome, and parenting him is my joy, my pleasure, I only wish I had more to offer, a million thank you tokens to the person that makes me real.
I believe, sincerely, that without him I would have just shrunk and shrunk as a person until I blew clean away one day, without notice. A vacancy, left in my absence.
We celebrated on the day of his birth with our little family, and Onkie, and my mom.
We ate shrimp in his honor, and exchanged modest, but meaningful gifts.
We shared stories of his birth and infancy and early childhood.
A roomful of people that love one teenager with precise devotion.
Boats all pointed in the same direction of adoration. |
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